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GARTNER: What changed for Data Virtualisation tools in data integration world

Passio Consulting

Updated: Aug 5, 2021

Data virtualisation tools have been gained more value across the world, and Gartner estimates that in 2020 35% of organisations will implement it.

Companies see a lot of benefits in data virtualisation instead of traditional data integration. With these tools is possible to have a unified view of data without needed to move it, and be able to access the information in real-time, when and where they need.

Gartner says that “data integration tools are now tasked with creating agile and trusted data that enables frictionless information exchange without necessarily having to replicate data or assign a schema to it upfront.”*

To analyse Data Integration Tools, Gartner divided graph into four quadrants, niche players, challengers, visionaries, and leaders and secure the top scores for both completeness of vision and ability to execute.


In 2019, Denodo moved closer to the leaders quadrant, thus becoming a leader in data virtualisation in helps customers tackles use cases like logical data warehouse and data lake, registry/style MDM and data service marketplaces. The provider offers a targeted product that referral customers use to connect to various sources and federated data.


TIBCO Software improved in niche player position. TIBCO has a wide range of data management and analysis products. This software is capable of handling common and emerging data delivery styles and scored better than any other provider in regard to messaging and streaming data integration.

To explain the evolution of data virtualisation tools, Gartner says that “As an increasingly important part of a comprehensive data integration strategy, data virtualisation is attracting renewed interest as organisations recognise its potential for a growing range of use cases. A variety of ways exist in which data virtualisation technology can add value as part of the data integration and sharing capabilities of information infrastructure. Most of these opportunities involve augmenting the physically integrated data structures and providing consistent service-oriented approaches for applications and business services to access data. In rendering data resources useful regardless of how they are deployed or where they reside, this technology reads data in place.”**

by Daniela Business Intelligence Consultant @Passio Consulting




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